For more than 2,000 years now, Iran has maintained its reputation as one of the top most transit routes between Asia, Europe and Africa. Since ancient times, the Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman and Egyptian merchants used to transit their goods via Iran. The Silk Road for centuries served as the country’s main international transit route. Nowadays, the 2,800 Kilometre- long northern and southern marine borders as well as vast international links have made Iran the main transit hub in this part of the world. Chabahar is a free port (Free Trade Zone) on the Makoran Coast in the southeast most part of Iran and is officially designated as a Free Trade and Industrial Zone by Iran’s government.Geopolitically, Chabahar plays an important role not only in the political geography of the country but also in the world and especially in Asia. Chabahar can act quite freely to establish connections with the countries of the world. Along with Bandar Abbas, Chabahar is the Iranian entrepot on the North – South corridor. A strategic partnership has been forged between India, Iran and Russia to establish a multimodal transport link connecting Mumbai with St. Petersburg, providing Europe and the former Soviet republics of Central Asia access to Asia and vice-versa.